
Article Category

To Rikindle or Not?

What If The One That Got Away Came Back?

Some of the hottest and most passionate relationships usually take place between couples of teenage years. Nothing is more lustful than two teenagers in love. It also hurts the most when it ends. Many times, if the ending happens for reasons other than the couple is just tired of each other and ready to move on, the love becomes unrequited. Even though these two individuals may move forward in life and even go on to marry other people, they never forget their first love. This love is something that may never leave them no matter how far they travel.  That’s …

Ladies, Don’t just Get His Attention, KEEP It!

There are some very basic methods that you can use when you’re trying to get the guy of your choice attracted to you. Some will help you in getting his attention and the rest of them will help you KEEP it. Then he’ll keep finding you interesting.  First of all, figure out what your strengths are and emphasize them. It may take someone trustworthy to show you what your good points are as well as your less good ones. When you do figure out your strengths, it’s important that you use them the best you can. Remember that you usually …

The Sex Files

Even though you may be passionately in love with your partner, there will usually come a time when sex becomes a bit dull or routine. If all relationships were the same as they are in those bodice ripper novels, then couples would always be ready to enjoy a spontaneous and hot encounter every time they had sex. Reality, however, just doesn’t seem to work that way except on very rare exceptions.  Now, you probably already have some special things that you like to try with your partner. These most likely work quite well for the two of you most of …
Single and Loving It

Yes I’m Single and You’ll Have to Be Amazing To Change That

It seems that ever since there have been males and females walking the earth that they all try to find their perfect mates and pair up. Even in the time of cave men and women, there were couples that hooked up and became mates. As time went on, girls were married off as young as 13 or 14 years old, usually because of the short life expectancy of the era. That gradually turned the ages for getting married into later ones. Now, it seems that even 25 year olds may not be mature enough for that type of a commitment.  …

Your Time is Precious, Lady. Waste Is Wisely.

When you go on a date with a new guy, you’re always taking a bit of a risk that he’s not a serial killer or rapist at the worst, or just dull and boring at the least. Dates can go wrong for a lot of different reasons. Maybe he picks his nose or has a braying laugh. There can be other reasons such as there’s no chemistry between you. Sometimes, though, it’s not quite so easy to tell if you’ve snagged a loser or not. It may be that he’s perfectly nice and, yes, there’s a bit of chemistry. You …
Questions to Ask

Seriously Girl, If He Can’t Answer These Questions, He Isn’t The One

Most people are so excited about meeting someone new for dating and a possible relationship that they forget to ask the important questions that could affect whether or not they’re even compatible or not. This is usually because all they care about is the fact that they now have someone to do things with. They have someone to spend Valentine’s Day with as well as other special days throughout the year. That’s all that matters, right? You only need to have a warm, living, breathing body with you on those days so that you’re not alone and lonely.  If that …
Broken Heart Betrayal

Acknowledging Betrayal

One of the things that destroy relationships the fastest is when one of the partners betrays the other one. This is done through cheating, but it can also happen because of something else that a partner does when they know full well that in doing so; they run the risk of losing their relationship.  Betrayal is not always something that couples can move past. That’s why it’s best to avoid it completely.  However, if your partner has betrayed you in the most unthinkable way, it’s going to be up to you as to how you handle it. Many men cheat …
No Teasing

Nobody Likes A Tease, Sweetie

With rape statistics so high these days, there’s a definite need to be cautious as to whom you’re dating or even just hanging out with. There seems to be even more date rape situations than ever before, or it could be that they just started to be reported more than in years past. Now, while anyone with any common sense of decency will never agree that it’s “right” to rape women, there’s something else that needs to be taken into consideration.  There are some women that are just born teases. That doesn’t mean that they deserve to be raped, but …
I Had No Idea

I Thought I Was Safe With Him

With so many various ways to meet men these days, it’s not all that surprising that some of those men turn out to be a lot less than the first impressions they give the women they’re interested in. Lots of these women even go on to marry men that they fully believe are loving, caring and all around good men. When some of these men turn out to be, not only dangerous but criminals as well, most of their partners never saw anything out of the ordinary.  The scary thing is that many notorious serial killers had wives and families …
Will You Marry Me

It’s Shit or Get Off The Pot Time.

Each year there are many women worldwide that are thrilled to accept a marriage proposal along with a beautiful engagement ring to go with it during the holidays. On the other hand, there are also many women that were sorely disappointed when the holidays passed without a proposal or a ring. Out of this group of women, there will be many wondering just how long they need to wait for their men to pop the question.  There really aren’t any hard and fast rules when it comes to this dilemma. That’s what makes it somewhat difficult to know when to …